Phonological Awareness is the knowledge of sounds (i.e. the sounds that letters make) and how they go together to make words.
Note: Each stage of development assumes that the preceding stages have been successfully achieved.
How to use this chart: Review the skills demonstrated by the child up to their current age. If you notice skills that have not been met below their current age contact Kid Sense Child Development on 1800 KIDSENSE (1800 543 736).
Age | Developmental milestones | Possible implications if milestones not achieved |
0-2 years |
2-3 years |
3-4 years |
4-5 years |
5-6 years |
6-7 years |
7-8 years |
This chart was designed to serve as a functional screening of developmental skills per age group. It does not constitute an assessment nor reflect strictly standardised research.
The information in this chart was compiled over many years from a variety of sources. This information was then further shaped by years of clinical practice as well as therapeutic consultation with child care, pre-school and school teachers in South Australia about the developmental skills necessary for children to meet the demands of these educational environments. In more recent years, it has been further modified by the need for children and their teachers to meet the functional Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) requirements that are not always congruent with standardised research.