Kid Sense In-Education Service brings an in-house Allied Health service to you on the days you want, for the period you want, as often as you want, focused on what you want – YOU! It offers all the benefits of Allied Health staff without the HR headache of employing them.
Kid Sense has been working with children, adolescents and young adults for decades and recognises that while the children/young adults are the focus, the only way to support them is to set the carers around the child/young adult up for success. With this in mind, Kid Sense offers the educator (rather than student focused) In-Education Service to educational settings wanting Allied Health on a budget that works for them and that helps the educators directly (Tier 3 supports), rather than it simply being individual child-focused (Tier 1 supports).
Educators: We bring you the ‘you focused’ support that you want, in the way that you want it and when you want it, delivered by a consistent therapist/s.
Administrators: We bring to you an in-house Allied Health team in the amount that you want, without the hassles of employment. Service engagement can be negotiated each term.
Students: benefit from informed & supported educators (& educator assistants) with individualized care on tap to inform class wide, parent, and/or individual student targeted strategies.
The Greatest Benefit of the In-Education Service? It offers a single point of contact for therapy services to all students and educators on site (with an educator focus), to replace the rotating door of multiple therapists consulting multiple individual students (funded and servicing the child/parent rather than the therapist or educational team).
YOU as the educational setting makes that choice, but it may include any or all of the following:
The journey begins with:
Having established the educational settings needs, benefits and preferred service focus that the Allied Health team can bring:
We acknowledge the land on which we operate as the traditional lands of the Kaurna people, and pay our respects to the spiritual relationship with country that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold.
Kid Sense is founded on inclusion and the belief that everyone is welcome. All diversity is celebrated, encouraged, represented and supported in our staff, our clients, and our community. You are welcome here.