New Enquiry

Kid Sense strives to help turn ‘worry into wonderful’ for parents and children experiencing life’s little challenges. Our fun and friendly Speech and Occupational Therapists deliver engaging and helpful therapy to help children over ‘life’s little challenges’.

To help you along the pathway to ‘wonderful’ chose the service below that best meets your child needs.

How can we best help you and your child?

Click on the service you wish to receive


Schedule an Initial Appointment

To determine your child’s therapeutic needs and the ideal intervention to help them


Schedule ongoing treatment appointments

* Assumes that your child has had an initial assessment in the last 12 months AND that you can provide the written report to the treating therapist that specifies their therapeutic needs

Schedule an Initial Assessment

Complete the following to request Kid Sense schedule an initial assessment/s for your child where they have not had an assessment (of that therapy type) in the last 12 months or where you do not have a written report to provide to the treating therapist/s.

Schedule ongoing treatment appointments

Complete the following to request Kid Sense schedule an initial assessment/s for your child where they have not had an assessment (of that therapy type) in the last 12 months or where you do not have a written report to provide to the treating therapist/s.

Contact Us For A Free 15 Minute Call
Together We Turn Worried Into Wonderful