KidSense blue logo representing child-focused occupational therapy, speech therapy, and functional capacity assessments


KidSense banner highlighting functional capacity assessments and occupational therapy for NDIS participants

What is literacy?

Literacy is the ability to read and write and use written information in a variety of contexts.

What are the building blocks necessary to develop efficient sensory processing/motor integration?

Literacy is important for a child to get through their schooling years, as reading, spelling and writing are required to pass assessments. It is also important in daily life. A lot of information available to us is in written form (e.g. newspapers, books, internet articles, signs). In order to have access to this information a person needs to be able to read.

Reading also aids in the development of language, as it exposes children to new vocabulary and deepens their understanding of the structure of language. The extent to which a student is able to demonstrate their academic ability is significantly reliant on a student’s ability to capture their thoughts in written communication. For each year level and academic task that a student attempts there is usually a prescribed (known) or unwritten expectation of how much should be written, by what means and how to structure that information.

When a child has difficulties with literacy you may notice:

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