Workshops and Training

Kid Sense believes that education of the carers of children with additional needs makes a difference to all children. For this reason, Kid Sense offers a range of workshops targeted at both developing the ability of all children as well as supporting those with additional needs.

The founder of Kid Sense and Occupational Therapist, Joanna Buttfield, is available to present on a range of topics.
Joanna regularly presents to professionals working in child care, education and allied health services:  providing either professional development or general education.
Presentations can be delivered at a venue of your choice and topics can be tailored to meet the needs of your attendees. They can be provided for the duration of 1.5 hours to half day to full days.

As a therapist and parent, Joanna’s teaching style is to:
•    Focus on ability, not disability
•    Use analogies to identity children (and carers) in need
•    Give take away strategies for immediate use
•    Focus on  the use of low budget resources
•    Use case studies to consolidate learning
•    Use group work (where desired) to consolidate age or location specific learning

Presentation Topics include:

TopicBrief SummaryIdeally suited to
 Sensory PlayPlay, and sensory play in particular, serves as the foundations to learning in general. Opportunities for repeated play involvement (the same activity) as well as engagement in a wide range of play (whole body as well as sit down) shapes a child’s readiness to learn and attend.

When the underlying sensory processing  skills are efficient, a child’s attention, behaviour and learning progresses well. Hiccups in these foundation sensory skills can result in delays  or difficulties in mastering play, coordination, attention, self care skills, social interaction with peers and can be associated with language delays.

Providing simple but repeated exposure to sensory activities can help children meet their sensory needs so that in turn that are ready to be the bets learners they can be.  Activities for home, child care, kindy and school based readiness development are provided.
This presentation is ideal for kindergarten – Yr 2 parent groups and educators.

Speak with an experienced practitioner to learn what’s best for your child