Kid Sense can service clients under the following funding sources. Do you know if you are eligible for these?
- Medicare Plans
- Chronic Disease Management Plan
- GP Mental Health (Better Access) Plan
- Helping Children with Autism
- Private Health insurance
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers.
It helps people with disability to:
- Access mainstream and community support services
- Maintain informal support arrangements
- Receive reasonable and necessary funded supports
The NDIS provides Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability, the reasonable and necessary support they need to live an ordinary life. As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.
In South Australia, children under 14 years are currently entering the scheme and in January 2017 children aged 15-17 years will enter the scheme. For more specific information visit
Kid Sense Child Development is a registered provider of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in both Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.
How do I know if my child is eligible to access NDIS funding?
To determine if your child is eligible for support through this scheme visit and complete the NDIS Access Checklist. If you answer ‘Yes’ to a series of questions, you will then need to call the NDIA on 1800 800 110 to request an Access Request form be sent to you.
How do I access NDIS funding if my child is eligible?
After eligibility is confirmed, the child’s family meet with a ‘planner’ to discuss their hopes for their children’s future and to form a ‘plan’ outlining the required (multi-disciplinary) supports to achieve these goals.
Careful consideration and detailed planning in advance of this meeting is crucial to ensure that the most appropriate types and amount of supports are planned. It is important to review this in a very broad manner. Speaking with your child’s therapist can help make this process most efficient.
How can Kid Sense help my child access the NDIS funding?
With our extensive knowledge of, and close working relationship with the NDIS, Kid Sense can:
- Guide parents through the application process but cannot directly influence it.
- Assess children and write comprehensive reports that diagnose a child’s developmental challenges and influence eligibility for the scheme.
- Help families plan for their NDIS planning meeting by helping families consider their goals for their child and how they might best be achieved.
How can Kid Sense help families that are already accessing the NDIS?
As an NDIS registered service provider (offering both Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy) Kid Sense can:
- Provide one-to-one therapy services funded under the scheme to help participants meet their plan goals.
- Help families access appropriate ‘reasonable and necessary resources” where approved by the NDIS.
- Coordinate the multiple services that might be involved in a child’s plan.
For more information on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) visit National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Medicare Plans
- Chronic Disease Management Plan
- GP Mental Health (Better Access) Plan
- Helping children with Autism Plan
Chronic Disease Management Plan
What is the Chronic Disease Management Plan?
People with a ‘chronic and complex medical need’ may be able to get Medicare benefits to cover a total of 5 Allied Health services that help manage their condition. This is called the Chronic Disease Management plan. It was formerly known as the Enhanced Primary Care Plan.
What does the Chronic Disease Management Plan entitle the child access to?
If approved and established by your GP, it can allow access up to a total of 5 subsidized Allied Heath appointments per calender year. Approved Allied Health practitioners under the plan include: Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology and Speech Therapy.
What are the eligibility requirements for the Chronic Disease Management Plan?
Your child may be eligible for a Medicare subsided Chronic Disease Management plan if they have a:
- Chronic medical condition (present for more than 6 months)
- Complex needs (meaning they need treatment from two or more health professionals)
Eligibility is determined solely by your GP.
How do I access a Chronic Disease Management Plan?
Visit your GP to discuss your eligibility. Eligibility is determined solely by your GP.
If deemed appropriate by your GP, your doctor may suggest a GP Management Plan and a Team Care Arrangements Plan.
- A GP Management Plan is a plan of action agreed between you and your GP. It identifies the child’s health care needs, sets out the services to be provided by your GP and lists the actions that the parent needs to take.
- A Team Care Arrangements Plan lets your doctor work with, and refer you to, at least two other health professionals who will provide treatment or services to your child.
Kid Sense is a registered provider of Medicare plans including the Chronic Disease Management Plan.
For more information about the Chronic Disease Management Plan:
- Visit your GP or
- Visit
GP Mental Health (Better Access) Plan
What is the GP Mental Health Better Access to Mental Health Plan?
Also known as the “Better access to Mental Health Initiative”, the initative aims to improve outcomes for people with a clinically-diagnosed mental disorder through evidence-based treatment. It provides Medicare benefits for up to a total of 10 services that help manage their condition.
What does the GP Mental Health Better Access to Mental Health Plan entitle the child access to?
If approved and established by your GP, it can allow access up to a total of 10 subsidized Allied Heath appointments per calender year with a registered Occupational Therapy, Psychology and/or Psychiatrist to patients with an assessed mental disorder who are referred:
- By a GP managing the patient under a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or
- Under a referred psychiatrist assessment and management plan, or
- By a psychiatrist or paediatrician.
What are the eligibility requirements for the GP Mental Health Plan?
The Better Access initiative is available to patients with an assessed mental disorder who would benefit from a structured approach to the management of their treatment needs. Their referring doctor determines their eligibility.
How do I access a GP Mental Health Plan?
Visit your GP to discuss your eligibility. Eligibility is determined solely by your GP. If deemed appropriate by your GP, your doctor may suggest a GP Mental Health Plan and refer to you an appropriate practitioner. Kid Sense is a registered provider of Medicare plans including the GP Mental Health Plan, but only suitably qualified practitioners can service this plan.
For more information about the GP Mental Health Plan:
- Visit your GP or
- Visit
Helping Children with Autism Plan
What is the Helping Children with Autism Plan?
The Helping Children with Autism Plan is an initiative to help the early diagnosis and treatment of children with Autism or any other pervasive developmental disorder (PDD).
What does the Helping Children with Autism Plan entitle the child access to?
If approved and established by your Paediatrician, it can allow access up to a total of 4 assessment and up to a total of 20 treatment subsidized Allied Heath appointments in a lifetime with registered Allied Health practitioners including; Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychology, Physiotherapy and others.
What are the eligibility requirements for the Helping Children with Autism Plan?
The child’s Paediatrician can refer a child to an eligible Allied Health provider to assist with diagnosis of the child or for the purpose of contributing to the child’s treatment plan where Autism is diagnosed or suspected.
How do I access a Helping Children with Autism Plan?
Visit your Paediatrician to discuss your eligibility. Eligibility is determined solely by your Paediatrician.
Kid Sense is a registered provider of all Medicare plans including the Helping Children with Autism Plan.
For more information about the Helping Children with Autism Plan:
- Visit your Paediatrician or
- Visit
Private Health Insurance
Rebates from Private health funds are determined by the duration of the appointment and the level of cover that you have. Due to privacy laws, Kid Sense cannot access your anticipated rebate level but instead suggest that you call your health fund to ask what the rebate is for an initial or subsequent appointment (for either 45 minute or under, or 45 min and over), and specify the discipline.
Occupational Therapy
- 100 – assessment/initial consult
- 200 – treatment/subsequent consult
Speech Therapy
- 310 – assessment/initial consult – up to 45 mins
- 320 – assessment/initial consult – 46-90 mins
- 340 – treatment/subsequent consult – up to 45 mins