In-Education Service

As an educator, do you need support in your educational environment?

Kid Sense In-Education service brings an in-house Allied Health service to you on the days you want, for the period you want, as often as you want. It offers all the benefits of Allied Health staff without the HR headaches of employing them.

Kid Sense has been working with children for decades and recognises that while the children are the focus point, the only way to support children is to set up the carers around the child for success. With this view in mind, Kid Sense offers the In-Education service where educational settings want to engage with Allied Health on a budget that works for them and that helps them directly, rather than it simply being individually child-focused.

Do you need more knowledge about how to help your students in general?

Educators: we bring you the support that you want, in the way that you want it and when you want it. 

Administrators: we bring you an in-house Allied Health team in the amount that you want, with none of the employment hassles. Service engagement can be negotiated each term.

Do you wish you had a health therapist on your team but can’t afford them?


How can you use an in-house 
Allied Health team?

The best part is the educational setting make that choice, but it may include Annie and all of the following:

  • Professional development workshops or small groups for educators and/or parents
  • Developing supportive resources and recommendations for individuals or classrooms
  • Attending challenging parent/teacher meetings where developmental concerns are being raised/discussed
  • Contributing to independent education plans and curriculum modification from a therapy support perspective
  • Direct one on one treatment to the child (in many cases this can be funded by the child)
  • Contributing to policy settings
  • Internal behaviour management procedures.

What can you expect in engaging the In-Education service?

The journey begins with:

  • Clarifying the educational settings Allied Health needs through a structured discussion with administrators, and/or leadership educators
  • Followed by professional development to the team to provide value add training for the team, as well as highlighting areas of support required or desired.

What does the engagement process look like?

Having established an understanding of the benefits the Allied Health team can bring:

  • The requested team then begin providing services in the manner selected by the educational setting.
  • Reviewed termly (if the educational setting so chooses), the disciplines provided (e.g. Speech and OT) can vary according to the need or preference, along with the method of intervention each term.

Call Kid Sense to speak with an experienced therapist about our Educator focused supports.