Therapy Recommendations

Use therapy recommendations to integrate therapy tools into your every day for developmental gain.

The Kid Sense teams are determined to support all children with developmental difficulties whether they are Kid Sense clients or not. As such, Kid Sense clinicians offer a phone or tele-therapy service for parents and educators who are looking for individually tailored therapy activity idea and management recommendations to support individual children or students.

These recommendations can be used to maintain developmental skills following therapy, to begin developmental therapy while waiting for funding or services or to provide environmental or management strategies for parents, families, and/or educators.

These recommendations might include anything from:

  • Ideas on how to manage your individual child/student specific deficits
  • Classroom or home management and/or environmental set up recommendations
  • A staggered series of activities to help develop skill upon more regular services (whether at Kid Sense or other)
  • General info about if your child/student may benefit from therapy, and what might be the ‘best fit’
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Are you a parent looking for:

  • Activities for your child during school holidays?
  • Activity ideas now to make developmental progress while wait listed for local services
  • Home environment strategies (be they environmental set up, behaviour management, organization and more)
  • Peace of mind about if and when to seek therapeutic advice

Are you an educator looking for:

  • Activity ideas to support individual students (or groups of with common needs)?
  • Management strategies about how best to provide set up students for success in your setting?
  • Advice on if/when to refer a student to therapy? And if so, what kind of therapy?

Knowledge is power. Let us give you to the power to make developmental change and NOW!

Its like having a therapist at your fingertips!

Simply call to book a 30 or 60 minute phone or tele-therapy appointment to talk with an experienced Speech or Occupational Therapist, and let us give you with ideas or recommendations you seek.

These appointments are charged at the pro rata NDIS rate, and can be held as often as you choose.

Talk to Kid Sense about your worries. Together we turn worried into wonderful.