Speech Therapy Development DetectorTM


This information is optional. It is not stored and used only for inclusion on the assessment result printout.

Child's First Name:

Child's Surname:



1. Play

Does your child:

Have difficulty playing independently or only likes playing independently of others?

Yes No

Have difficulty inviting peers to play with them or asking to join in others' play?

Yes No

Have difficulty waiting to take their turn within play, or have difficulty following the rules of a game (e.g. taking turns in a game of snakes and ladders)?

Yes No

Have difficulty playing co-operatively with others (e.g. negotiating and deciding on rules of game with peers)?

Yes No

Only like playing with adults or children younger than themselves?

Yes No

2. Attention and Listening

Does your child:

Get easily distracted?

Yes No

Have difficulty concentrating by looking and listening so they need a lot of prompting to remain engaged in an activity?

Yes No

Have difficulty attending to an adult's choice of activity for an extended period of time (e.g. 10-15 min)?

Yes No

Have difficulty listening/attending to an age appropriate book being read to them?

Yes No

Have difficulty sitting, looking and listening in group times at school/socially?

Yes No

3. Interacting with others

Does your child:

Find it hard to start and keep a conversation going?

Yes No

Tend to switch topics regularly when talking so it is hard to follow their conversation?

Yes No

Label things when looking at a picture, but is unable to make up a story about the picture (e.g. names the cat, dog and the tree in the picture, but is not able to say "The dog is chasing the cat up the tree")?

Yes No

Have difficulty providing detail when describing an object, picture or event so it is difficult to know what they are talking about?

Yes No

Seem overly quiet or loud in the classroom or busy social situation?

Yes No

4. Understanding Words

Does your child:

Not seem to know as many words as their peers?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding concepts (e.g. time; yesterday vs. today vs. tomorrow or size tiny vs. huge)?

Yes No

Have difficulty following longer instructions and often require repetition?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding more complex concepts (e.g. although, before, until)?

Yes No

Find it hard to respond to questions about what has happened in the immediate past (i.e. questions like "Where have you been"? "What did you have for lunch"? "Was Tom at school today"? )?

Yes No

5. Understanding Sentences

Does your child:

Often look 'blank' when asked a question or respond by giving incomplete or irrelevant answers?

Yes No

Seem to understand what is said in quiet one to one situations but has difficulty in more busy or noisy environments?

Yes No

Find it difficult to attend to what the teacher is saying in class and show behaviours like fiddling, looking around, looking 'blank'?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding the grammar of the sentences (e.g. understanding plural 's' means more than one thing or understanding past tense -ed means it happened yesterday)?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding age appropriate stories that are read to them?

Yes No

6. Understanding Written Language (Reading)

Does your child:

Have difficulty recognising letters and sounds?

Yes No

Have difficulty reading and sounding out simple 3-4 letter words which are unfamiliar?

Yes No

Have difficulty learning and retaining sight words at school?

Yes No

Rely on pictures to understand the content of the sentence/paragraph/story read?

Yes No

Have difficulty reading fluently (e.g. without lots of pausing, sounding out of many words, repeating of words and parts of words) so that the passage can be easily comprehended?

Yes No

7. Using words

Does your child:

Know lots of words but has difficulty using those words to name items (e.g. pauses when trying to find the word, uses words like "that", "this", "thingy" instead of using the actual name, uses lots of "um", "uh" words while trying to search for the word")?

Yes No

Find it hard to combine 5-6 words together appropriately (e.g. "Look at man in car daddy")?

Yes No

Have difficulty producing longer sentences that express more complex ideas (e.g. "The man was eating the spaghetti instead of the fish because he doesn't like fish")?

Yes No

Have difficulty re-telling a simple story?

Yes No

Have difficulty making up and telling stories with a clear beginning, middle and end?

Yes No

8. Using Grammar

Does your child:

Make errors with grammatical endings on words (e.g. indicating past and present tense e.g. kicking vs. kicked, plural's' cat vs. cats)?

Yes No

Leave out small words from sentences (e.g. words like it, is, a, the) causing language to sound immature?

Yes No

Have difficulty using linking words such as and, because or but to join phrases together?

Yes No

Put words in the wrong order (e.g. "The ball is garden in it")?

Yes No

Have difficulty forming questions (e.g. Has difficulty knowing whether to use the word "what", "who" or "why") or changing a statement into a question (e.g. changing "The red ball" into "Can I please have the red ball?")?

Yes No

9. Written Language and Spelling

Does your child:

Have difficulty sounding out words phonetically (i.e. by sound, not necessarily correct spelling -e.g. "cat" = "c...a...t")?

Yes No

Have difficulty retaining and remembering the 'rules of spelling' (e.g. There is a silent 'k' in the word know, you put the 's' and 'h' together to spell "shoe", a short vowel becomes a long vowel if there is an 'e' on the end)?

Yes No

Have difficulty writing sentences so that the words are in the correct order and make sense?

Yes No

Have difficulty using grammar in written language (e.g. present and past tense -ing vs ed, plurals- cat vs cats)?

Yes No

Have difficulty writing age appropriate descriptive paragraphs and/or stories?

Yes No

10. Quality of Speech

Does your child:

Have difficulty being understood by others?

Yes No

Have a voice that often sounds 'nasal' (i.e. like the child has a blocked nose)?

Yes No

Use a very loud voice or shout often, which affects the sound of their voice?

Yes No

Repeat sounds in words, part of words or phrases when talking (e.g. "C...c...can I have a biscuits" or "Gi...gi...give me the ball), gets physically stuck on words (i.e. word or sound just won't come out) or lengthens words (e.g. Loooook at the cat?)?

Yes No

Have difficulty getting the word or sentence out so that they get frustrated?

Yes No

11. Physical production of sounds and words

Does your child:

Have speech that sounds unclear compared to their same aged peers?

Yes No

Have speech than sounds immature for their age?

Yes No

Have difficulty being understood by others?

Yes No

Have speech that contains vowel 'substitutions' that makes their speech sound like they have an accent?

Yes No

Have speech which contains sound 'substitutions' that other children their age don't make (e.g. "c" sounds replaced by "t" sounds - "car" becomes "tar")?

Yes No

12. Phonological (Sound) Awareness

Does your child:

Have difficulty recognising rhyming words (e.g. cat, hat, mat)?

Yes No

Have difficulty identifying beginning sounds in words (e.g. "car" starts with the 'c' sound)?

Yes No

Have difficulty clapping or drumming out syllables in words (e.g. "caterpillar has 4 claps Cat..er..pill..ar)?

Yes No

Have difficulty matching sounds to letters?

Yes No

Have difficulty recognising that the printed word represents the spoken word?

Yes No