Speech Therapy Development DetectorTM


This information is optional. It is not stored and used only for inclusion on the assessment result printout.

Child's First Name:

Child's Surname:



1. Play

Does your child:

Have difficulty playing independently?

Yes No

Not like it when others join in or change things in their play?

Yes No

Engage in limited or rigid play (e.g. will only play with Thomas the Tank engine, lines items up)?

Yes No

Have difficulty engaging in pretend play (e.g. putting teddy to bed, having a tea party)?

Yes No

Have difficulty playing with or alongside other children, or fails to notice peers in their play space?

Yes No

2. Attention and Listening

Does your child:

Tend to flit from one activity to the next without really engaging in or focusing on anything?

Yes No

Have difficulty responding to their name by looking when called?

Yes No

Have difficulty concentrating by looking and listening and needs a lot of prompting to remain engaged in an activity?

Yes No

Have difficulty attending to an adult's choice or method of activity?

Yes No

Have difficulty listening to an age-appropriate book being read?

Yes No

3. Interacting with others

Does your child:

Show difficulty copying or imitating gestures or actions (e.g. clapping, waving, jumping)?

Yes No

Show difficulty understanding the daily routine (e.g. after dinner, it is bath time, then bed time)

Yes No

Tend not to bring your attention to things or share information or interests with you (e.g. pointing to a dog in the park and looking to make sure you saw the dog they are pointing to)?

Yes No

Vocalise very little and/or tend to use only a few types of sounds (e.g. may use a humming sound only or mostly just say "uh uh uh")?

Yes No

Have difficulty using gestures (e.g. pointing, waving), sounds and facial expressions to get their needs and wants (e.g. pointing to the biscuit and saying "uh uh uh")?

Yes No

4. Understanding Words

Does your child:

Have difficulty understanding or responding appropriately to non-verbal information (e.g. facial expressions-smile, frown, tone of voice- angry, soft, happy, gestures-waving, pointing)?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding single words or objects (e.g. When you say "Where's the ball", does not look at or reach for the ball)?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding early concepts (e.g. big vs little, fast vs slow)?

Yes No

Have difficulty finding familiar body parts when named (e.g. "Where is your nose /mouth")?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding action words (e.g. "Who is running" in a picture or "make the teddy jump" when playing with teddy)?

Yes No

5. Understanding Sentences

Does your child:

Have difficulty understanding what you say and following simple instructions?

Yes No

Take longer than expected to follow an instruction or often requires repetition?

Yes No

Have difficulty following longer instructions (i.e. may only do the first or last thing that has been said)?

Yes No

Have difficulty understanding simple "what", "where", "who" questions?

Yes No

Often talk about what they want to talk about, instead of listening and responding to what you have said?

Yes No

6. Understanding Stories

Does your child:

Show little (or brief) interest in sitting down and looking at pictures in a book with you?

Yes No

Have difficulty listening to a story for long and/or attends for only a very short time?

Yes No

Seem more interested in turning the pages of a book rather than listening to the story?

Yes No

Appear unable to point to a picture within a book when requested (e.g. "Where's the dog")?

Yes No

Seem unable to answer questions about what is happening in the story (e.g. "What is the boy doing"? "Where is the cat"? "Why is she sad")?

Yes No

7. Using words

Does your child:

Have difficulty using single words (e.g. "milk" or "more")?

Yes No

Have difficulty naming items (e.g. calls all 4 legged animals dogs, calls a table a chair)?

Yes No

Use vocabulary limited in terms of amount and types of words used (e.g. uses only naming words and does not have many action or descriptive words, has vocabulary only around a certain topic of interest)?

Yes No

Have difficulty using descriptive words like "hot, cold, big, little, fast, slow"?

Yes No

Have difficulty with greetings (e.g. "hello/goodbye") and social words (e.g. "please/thank you")?

Yes No

8. Using Grammar

Does your child:

Make errors with grammatical endings on words (e.g. indicating past and present tense - kicking vs kicked; plural 's' - cat vs cats)?

Yes No

Leave out small words from sentences (e.g. words like it, is, a, the) causing language to sound immature?

Yes No

Have difficulty using linking words such as "and", "because" or "but" to join phrases together?

Yes No

Put words in the wrong order (e.g. "The ball is garden in it")?

Yes No

Have difficulty forming questions, so that they make statements instead or do not know whether to use "what vs. who vs. why" (e.g. may say "what that" when pointing to a picture of a man")?

Yes No

9. Linking Words Together

Does your child:

Have difficulty linking 2-3 words into short phrases (e.g. "mummy car", "doggy eat")?

Yes No

Find it hard to combine 5-6 words together (e.g. "Look at man in car daddy")?

Yes No

Have difficulty producing longer sentences that express more complex ideas (e.g. "The dog is jumping over the fence to get to the bone because he's hungry")?

Yes No

Have difficulty talking about something in the past (e.g. what they had for breakfast or what they did at kindy)?

Yes No

Have difficulty re-telling a simple story?

Yes No

10. Eating and Drinking

Does your child:

Dribble more than expected for their age?

Yes No

Have their mouth open at rest or breathe through their mouth?

Yes No

Have difficulty blowing through or sucking from a straw?

Yes No

Have difficulty chewing, moving food around the mouth and/or swallowing (e.g. gags or coughs when eating)?

Yes No

Have difficulty eating lumpy textured foods (e.g. chopped vegetables, stews)?

Yes No

11. Physical production of sounds and words

Does your child:

Seem to have difficulty forming speech sounds and words (e.g. does not use any consonants in speech, looks like they are trying to attempt to make sounds or words with mouth, but it is not coming out or it is hard to understand)?

Yes No

Have difficulty being understood by others?

Yes No

Have difficulty getting their message understood so that they often get frustrated?

Yes No

Have speech which is immature or "babyish" compared to their peers?

Yes No

Have speech which contains sound 'substitutions' that other children their age don't make (e.g. "c" sounds replaced by "t" sounds- "car" becomes "tar"), ?

Yes No

12. Quality of speech

Does your child:

Have a voice that often sounds hoarse/harsh/breathy or monotonous (i.e. robot-like)?

Yes No

Have a voice that often sounds 'nasal' (i.e. like the child has a blocked nose)?

Yes No

Use a very loud voice or shout often which affects the sound of voice?

Yes No

Often repeat first sounds in words, part of words or phrases when talking (e.g. "C...C...can I have a biscuit" or "Gi...Gi...give me the ball") or lengthen words (e.g. "Loooooook at the cat")?

Yes No

Have difficulty getting the word or sentence out so that they get frustrated?

Yes No