
Kid Sense Glenelg – NOW OPEN!
Appointments Available Now.

Kid Sense ensures that children and their parents alike find attending therapy easy and fun. We offer therapy conveniently close to your home with easy parking and amazing facilities and resources that provide the best quality therapy possible. And better still, these are provided within easy walk of a huge range of cafes, retails stores, grocery stores and even Haigh’s Chocolates! This way so you can attend the therapy, enjoy a coffee or ‘retail therapy’, or pick up groceries while your child is cared for in therapy!

Located half way along Jetty Road, Kid Sense Glenelg can be easily spotted along Jetty Road – just look for the big yellow sun! Kid Sense Glenelg is:

  • (almost) on the corner of  PARTRIDGE ST – on the left side after the Partridge St intersection when heading towards the beach
  • opposite HAIGH’S and and BLOOMS Chemist
  • immediately in front of the EVENTS Cinema car park.

At Kid Sense Glenelg, we make centre-based appointments easy and enjoyable for all by offering:

  • Easy parking (free 2 hr parking is located immediately behind the clinic in the Events Cinema car park) as well as plenty of 1 and 2 hour parking in  the immediately surrounding streets
  • Café’s within an easy walk
  • A huge array of retail shops (for adult therapy!)
  •  Nearby playgrounds, cinema, and of course – the beach
  • Grocery stores located in the nearby Coles Glenelg (an easy walk)
  • Comfortable and well-resourced waiting room with children’s play items.

Servicing Glenelg and the Western suburbs of Adelaide we offer our professional Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy services, which can be accessed under Medicare Plans, NDIS  (National Disability Insurance Scheme) as well as privately.

Benefits of the Kid Sense Child Development Therapy team!

We believe that our centre based Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy services allow us to offer a best quality of care with a community focus. Our centre-based appointments allow your children to develop the skills needed for real life. Our team can also then set up the necessary supports for those skills to be transferred into the ‘real world’ to set the child up for success in life.

Parent Feedback

Physical attendance at an appointment means you can see up close and personal what the Speech and Occupational Therapy intervention look like, as well as providing you with the resources you need to implement these same techniques at home! We highly value parents and teachers as part of a child’s therapy team. The more feedback and management strategies we share as a team, supporting the child, the more progress all involved parties will see and benefit from.

Home Program Recommendations

Because we recognize that parents are often overcommitted, we provide written home recommendations ideas or activities after each appointment wherever possible to jog the memory of helpful things to do at home. These can then be emailed to other involved parties (e.g. teachers) if so requested. Home activities are an excellent way to help in the journey to help your child’s developmental challenges.

Back to Back Appointments

Clients seeking both Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy sessions can chose to attend these sessions individually or can choose to do both appointments back to back.


We recognize that sometimes’ life happens’ and attending an appointment can prove difficult. This might be just one of the times that you choose to use Teletherapy. You might also use them when you are sick and chose to remain at home, when travel is impossible or for other family members who don’t usually attend (eg Grandma) to be part of a therapy appointment.

Contact Kid Sense Child Development in Glenelg, SA

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 9:15am – 5:15 pm


Shop 2, 128 Jetty Road
Glenelg SA 5045


1800 543 736

Speak with an experienced practitioner to learn what’s best for your child

Contact us today to make an initial enquiry or book an assessment for your child on 1800 KID SENSE (1800 543 736)

© 2024 Kid Sense Child Development childdevelopment.com.au 1800 KIDSENSE

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