
Occupational & Speech Therapists
Graduate Program

Support    Supervision    Team    Resources   Flexibility

If you’re interested in Paediatrics there’s no better place than Kid Sense!


The Kid Sense Graduate Program transforms Graduates with Potential into Therapists with Confidence!  

The Kid Sense Graduate Program nurtures not just competent therapists but well rounded professionals (a much broader skill set than just clinical competence) who are ready to progress into early leadership roles upon completion.

This program not only supports you in your graduate year but also looks beyond work force entry to set you up for career success in the long term through actively preparing for leadership skills upon completion of the 6 modules delivered over 24 months.

The (1st) Graduate year focuses on making a difference through assessment and treatment (basic clinical competence). This is then consolidated in the (2nd) Professional year of understanding specific diagnoses (& subsequent treatment modifications) as well as enhancing professionalism and developing Mentoring skills to new graduates so you learn even more through teaching others and prepare for Leadership roles.

Here is what your first 4 weeks looks like:

  • Wk 1– Online training – Attend a Graduate Onboarding Day with  your Grad. program colleagues, then get paid to sit at home to watch online tutorials about on the job skills, resources and instructing required clinical knowledge. Start the job knowing what you need to know even before you see clients!
  • Wk 2- Shadowing – Q & A Workshop with Grad. team, and shadowing a range of OT and SP team members
  • Wk 3-Consulting – Q & A workshop with grad team, weekly supervision begins, and start clinical treatment (1 a day) with lots of support (minimal caseload)
  • Wk 4-Clinical Planning– Continue clinical treatment (minimal caseload) with supervisor support, support+ with treatment note writing, treatment planning, goal setting and clinical training, Ask clinical questions during 1:1 supervision.


Our amazingly supportive 24 month (Multi-D) Team Graduate Program provides:

    • Professional Development, Supervision and Mentoring
      • Over 100+ hrs Training, Mentoring and Supervision in first 3 months when you need it most!
      • Extensive online clinical training even before you see a client
      • Training & Shadowing by experienced clinicians for your first 2 weeks
      • Dedicated Supervisor & Mentor providing daily support to guide you through personal and professional adjustments and challenges.
      • Weekly 1:1 Supervision for your first 3 months by experienced clinicians, and ongoing supervision throughout the program, supported by daily mentoring
      • Individualized Supervision Plan (established with your supervisor) to meet your individual training needs to reach confidence and competence.
      • Professional Development Days: Full Team Group Learning Days each term with the whole team
      • Group Graduate Mentoring & Workshops scheduled each school holidays
      • Training modules to develop specific clinical (and later professional) skills that teach you all you need to know
    •  Group Learning alongside Speechies and OT’s to share the journey from Jan/Feb (or individually throughout the year).
    • Staggered Caseload Development: development towards a comfortable and sustainable care load of no more than 5 clients (averaged) per day
    • Diverse caseload of paediatric clients working alongside multi-D peers in the clinic setting with the option to undertake community visits.
    • Resource & Treatment Space: Your own treatment room provided full of resources and IT (including Laptop and IPAD and suspension equipment for OT’s)
    • Community Visits as you choose (be they home, school/kindy or community immersion – eg Playground, Macca’s etc)
    • Pay & Position: Permanent on-going positions with annual salary review
    • Additional leave options to help you main work/life balance
    • 2 Tiered Care Recognition (Incentive) Scheme for those who wish to earn a little extra
    • COVID: Working from home options for salary to be maintained
    • Optional AHA work for those seeking a gradual transition into the Graduate Program

Graduate Program Outline

Under-Graduate Experience Graduate Program Professional Program Experienced Therapists
Before Therapy 0 – 12 months 13 – 24 months 25 – 36 months
Acclimate Learn Consolidate Grow into Leadership
Allied Health Assistant
*Not required to enter the Graduate Program
Graduate Program providing training, mentoring and supervision, and professional development. Consolidate and extend knowledge through Training Modules & mentoring to New Grads Grow into Mentoring and Team Leadership roles and responsibilities
Paid Allied Therapist Assistants experience operating under the guidance of an experienced therapist. This 24 month program involves a staggered caseload development across a variety of ages and diagnoses, as well as:

  • Mentoring & Support: On-site team leader and regular mentoring sessions
  • Clinical Training: On-the-job training.
  • Professional Development: Group based termly clinical PD as well as Grad. Program Termly workshops.
Consolidate your newly acquired skills through a potentially more complex caseload and/or beginning to mentor new graduates.

Consolidate skills with a generous personal professional development fund, in addition to Grad Program  professional development workshops.

Grow into a Mentor,  Team Leader role, clinical specialist roles &/or other responsibilities.


Frequently Asked Questions

What how much support will I get?

Clinical support is central to the Kid Sense Graduate Program as it is the key that develops suitably trained but inexperienced graduates into confident and competent therapists. Support takes many forms including: shadowing experience therapists, being shadowed by those same therapists, support &/or supervision to plan sessions, write progress notes and review assessment/NDIS reports. Each graduate also has a Mentor to help you with the small every day questions that come up, as well as a designated Supervisor for regular clinical support. This amazing mentoring and supervision is wrapped up by pervasive team support just because of the caring team we are!

Do I how much supervision will I get?

Supervision and support exceeds 100 hours in the first three months when you need it most!

1:1 Supervision is provided weekly in the first three months, and reduces after that as your need reduces depending upon your confidence, competence and your preference. Nevertheless  supervision continues over the course of the Graduate Program, just as it does for all clinical staff.

Who will be supporting me?

Graduates are supported by a team of more experienced therapists including:

a designated supervisor for direct clinical support and a designated mentor who provides daily emotional and practical support. This is further wrapped up by the pervasive supportive attitude of our ‘we’re all in this together’ team. Graduates are exposed to a range of experienced clinicians from 5+ yrs experience to their fellow graduates, all whom provide support in a slightly  different way.

What kind of support and learning tools are provided?

At Kid Sense we acknowledge that different people learn in different ways. As such, graduates are provided with a combination of written and visual learning tools which are provided for home learning prior to commencing any client facing contact. We have found that this is the best way for therapists to get the very best out of their shadowing (as well as being shadowed) – having understood the basics they are ready to see the more complicated strategies in action and ask more probing questions.

This on-line training is of course supported by specific 1:1 supervision which can include your supervisor: shadowing your therapy sessions, helping you to plan sessions, reviewing your treatment note/plans, preparing for assessments, reviewing reports and documentation (including NDIS).

What is the graded expectations of my caseload?

Caseload expectations are initially minimal and increase in a staggered manner over the first 3 months (aided by lots of  support). As your competence builds, so too does your caseload expectations. Graduates are clear on the treatment numbers, and types, that are expected at any point in time. Support is provided by both clinical and admin staff to ensure this staggered caseload is a comfortable learning journey.

How many hours would I be working?

As successfully managing entry to the professional workforce without being immersed in it full-time can be challenging, the Graduate Program is typically a full-time five days a week program (*We do flex as required). Working days are standardly 7.5 hours in duration. A Flexibility Policy (to vary working hours) is typically available upon successful completion of the 6 month probation period.

Can I choose the location I work at?

Kid Sense currently has 6 locations across metro Adelaide (with further growth planned), making it possible to choose your preferred location.

Our commitment to a work/life balance means we believe in placing team members as close to home as possible. Many staff however enjoy ‘mixing it up’ a little by working across multiple sites which offers them exposure to a range of  staff members (and thus different clinical mentors) as well as  different client groups (eg  varying socio economic groups) with obvious professional development benefits.

Do I have to buy my own resources?

Kid Sense supplies all resources (including toys and consumables) as well as your own individual treatment space. Furthermore, Kid Sense provides training on how to use the provided resources – this training is the key to making the most of the resources available. By the way, we also provide laptop and IPADs for all therapists.

How many graduates are in the program?

The Graduate Program is focused around a team of graduates moving through the learning journey together so that they enjoy the clinical and emotional comradery of the journey. These graduates are very much supported by Mentors who have had 1 to 2 years of experience and who vividly recall the joys and challenges of the entry into the workforce, as well as  designated clinical supervisors. The exact number of graduates (both Speech and OT) across a wide range of sites varies from year to year. We can tell you however that the Graduate Program has produced 22 Graduates in the last 2 year alone!

Do I need to work as an AHA (Allied Health Assistant) to be eligible for the Graduate Program?

No. AHA work is an option for those interested in a gradual entry into the workforce. Being an AHA offers you the fun of being a therapist without the responsibility that goes with being a therapist. It gives graduates a chance to learn the systems and procedures, the toys and the clients without the responsibility of treatment planning etc whilst also earning a wage as your learn.

When does the Graduate Program begin?

The group Graduate Program kicks off in January. However, individuals can join at any time during the year with the benefit of following the same supported journey.

What can I expect my salary to to be?

Graduates are offered ’above award’ wages in a salaried role (that is, guaranteed pay) rather than paid commission (paid a percentage of what they earn).

Tip: In your first year of employment often the more you are paid, the less support you will receive and the higher the expectations of your caseload.


Employee Value Proposition

Benefits and Opportunities You’ll Love

(Part Time or Full Time)

Career Development

We offer a rewarding work environment with a focus on learning and development, from a Graduate Program to Senior Career Pathway.

Client Care & Flexible Working Hrs

We support our team to enjoy a comfortable client load and recognize that members at different stages of their careers and life have differing needs or desire differing flexibility.

Health & Well Being Benefits

From complimentary annual flu vaccinations, and Employee Assistance Programs to fun health challenges within the team, we nurture our teams to Wellness.

Professional Development

From personal PD budgets to regular team events, we offer Professional Development (plus mentoring and supervision) opportunities across the teams experience. Meet you required CPD points within working hours.

Environment & Resources

We provide all therapists with an individual treatment space fully loaded with resources, IT enabled and suspension equipment for all OTs.

Recognition & Rewards Programs

We love celebrating and rewarding the amazing work our team do each and every day through a variety of programs – be they financial rewards for doing  more clinical sessions than needed, to team recognition and more!

Frequently Asked Questions

For information on Frequently Asked Questions click here

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