Budget Therapy Options

Need therapy but can’t afford it?

Kid Sense is committed to ensuring all children with developmental needs can access at the very least ‘bite-sized’ therapy options in the short term, whilst potentially considering more substantial, long-term therapy. Whilst regular therapy appointments involving direct contact between therapist between child are ideal to ensure developmental progress, applying bite-size therapy activities, recommendations and advice that is tailored to your child can help make developmental progress at a slow and gentle rate. The difference between ideal and ‘bite sized’ therapy is the method, duration and frequency of the therapy, and thus the cost. Budget Therapy options are delivered by experienced therapists, and are therapy in its their own rate. These shorter than usual therapy options simply involve less student/therapist direct contact (favouring parent contact instead), and more general application of recommendations  and  strategies by the parent rather than the therapist. 

We know parents want the very best for their children. We can’t all afford the “gold star” version of all the things we’d like to give our children, but the competent and engaging “standard” option can still be beneficial, albeit producing slower developmental progress. If nothing else, knowledge gives the power to make informed choices, and to make the small but significant changes in the everyday support of a child with developmental challenges. Budget therapy options can be delivered by Phone, Tele-therapy or written recommendation following conversation with the parent or carer.

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Knowledge + Recommendations = Developmental Success

Budget therapy options can include one, two or all three of the therapy staples:


On if, when, and why therapy referral is appropriate, as well as what therapy is the best fit based upon the parents report of the child.

This is likely to include:

  • Discussion about the childs’ strength, challenges and, Conversion with the parents about their their concerns.

Activity Recommendations

To support children in the home or educational setting

This might include:

  • Top tips to address a specified difficulty
  • Information on useful equipment/aids to help the child’s functioning

Management Strategies

On how to manage developmental challenges including the resulting behaviour whilst you work towards managing the underlying reason for the challenge

This might include:

  • Advise on how to set the child up for success in different environments
  • Strategies to prevent/minimize  common challenges

Achieve developmental progress on your timeframe and budget.

Talk to Kid Sense about your worries. Together we turn worried into wonderful.