Speech Therapist: Which one is best for my child?

Speech Therapists come in all shapes and sizes, so how do you know what makes a good Speech Therapist for your child? When you are trusting them with your most precious resource (your child) you want to get the right Speech Therapist.

At Kid Sense, we believe that a truly competent Speech Therapist is:

  • firm but fun (mixing the purpose of Speech Therapy with the playfulness that makes learning occur easily and sustainably)
  • goal driven (because any therapy must be well targeted to be effective) and structured in their approach (with the necessary flexibility that children require mixed in)
  • organized in terms of the therapy goals, the activities planned for each therapy session and physical materials (toy) management (zip lock bags and Tupperware can make or break a paediatric Speech Therapy session!)

Competent Speech Therapists are effective because they constantly evaluate and improve the quality of their services so that the child and family’s needs are being met. At Kid Sense we believe that it is vital that our Speech Therapists are evidenced based in their practice to ensure that the therapy being implemented has been proven to be beneficial. Therefore, it is important for our Speech Therapists to:

  • stay in touch with current research
  • continually evaluate progress and;
  • apply a holistic approach (incorporating and/or referring to other therapy such as Occupational Therapy, Psychology and Audiology as appropriate) to provide the best possible overall developmental intervention for the child and their family.

To help our Speech Therapy meet their own high standards at Kid Sense they have has access to a wide variety of different resources which allows them to:

  • be creative
  • innovative and adaptable in the moment
  • child focused and;
  • ensures sessions are always fun

Our Speech Therapists are completely goal driven and create goals that:

  • support children in areas of greatest difficulty
  • help children strive to be the best that they can be
  • empower the family, and carers/teachers to support the child

The Speech Therapy team at Kid Sense works closely with families, carers, schools and kindergartens, which allows us to adapt the therapy focus to the child and their family’s needs at any time and to provide constant and continuing support for the child. As such it required the Speech Therapist to have a high level of written and verbal communication to all people involved in the child’s care.

Our Speech Therapists have a high level of organisation and are always well prepared for therapy sessions, on time and have resources on hand as required. It is highly important that the Speech Therapy room is well equipped with fun materials and that the materials are organized and tidy to provide quick and easy access to them during therapy sessions. Children often thrive on structure and will learn new skills faster if this structure is provided. Our Speech Therapists help to ensure this occurs by being firm but maintaining a high level of fun!

For more information on what makes a good Speech Therapist, click here or see our other blog article – Speech Therapy: Making it fun and fabulous! on what makes good Speech Therapy.

Speak with an experienced practitioner to learn what’s best for your child