Practicing pronouns

When children mix up their words, it’s often cute to those who know them well, but confusing to those who don’t know what they mean. Language mix-ups are part of learning, but some kids get ‘stuck’ with a mix-up. Common pronoun confusions to look out for include: To help your child get their pronouns right, […]
Modelling sentence structure for your child

Children who say their words in the wrong order or use the wrong tense can sound cute…. for a while, but then it begins to affect their social interactions. Common Examples of word confusion include: Using words in the wrong order or with the wrong tense can impact your child by: A few simple strategies […]
Getting rid of that cute lisp

Lisps (not saying the ‘s’ sound accurately) are really cute until your child is 4 and a half years old and starting to socialise more. By then, lisps can start to impact: Here are some simple tips and tricks to get your child saying the “s” sound to eliminate the lisp: Don’t leave it until […]
Is your child ready for kindy?

Wow! It felt like only yesterday that they were learning to walk and now they’re of to kindy! Where did that little toddler disappear to? What is an exciting time can also be stressful. You may find themselves asking if your child is ready for a big change into a new environment. For some children, […]
Making learning letters fun

Learning letter sounds is a long but vital learning journey for children. Here’s what you can do to get the journey started if your child is struggling: What can I do? Why is it important? Need a little extra support? We can help. Start the conversation with a Kid Sense Speech Therapist by calling 1800 […]
Moving about when reading keeps kids turning the page!

Does your child struggle to sit long enough to read their reader? Moving about when reading can keep kids turning the page. Here are a few ideas to try: For more ideas on how you can use moving to help your child learn, visit our sensory pages. Need more help? Call us today on 1800 […]
Busy Before School Makes for Settled at School

Does your child hit the ground running in the morning and bounce instead of walk into school? Giving your child a burst of physical activity before school can help take the edge off their sensory fidgets. We’re sure your child’s teacher will be super grateful if you try a few of these: For more information […]
Mixing Up Words: Overcoming Kid’s Language Mistakes

Sometimes all of us get our words mixed up, but we can fix it up when we make mistakes! Kids can mix up words in a sentence when they are first learning to make longer sentences to request (e.g. ‘I can have that please?’ instead of ‘Can I have that please?’). Often it means that […]
NAPLAN literacy and numeracy skills using visual supports

With the NAPLAN fast approaching it can be a good time to identify and understand how well developed your child’s literacy and numeracy skills are. However it can also be a stressful time for both the children and their families, especially for children whose skills are not developing easily. Irrespective of their NAPLAN scores, children […]
Surviving the Christmas Pageant

Surviving the Christmas Pageant: Top 10 tricks for with children with autism, sensory processing disorder or language difficulties The Christmas Pageant is full of fun, joy and… sensory overload for even the most typical of children. For children with autism, sensory processing disorder or language difficulties it can be a nightmare. The great news is […]