Kids Organisation Skills

What is organisation?

Organisation involves the ability to establish what is it that you want to do, to know where to begin the task, to understand the sequence in which to carry it out (including pulling together the necessary materials), to problem-solve in the event of a challenge, and the ability to persist with the task to completion (and within an appropriate time frame).

Why is organisation important?

Organisation is an important aspect in play, language, social interaction, personal management (e.g. self-care tasks or bringing home all their belongings from school), and academic task performance (e.g. homework, project planning and performance).

Organisation is typically a skill that needs to be specifically modelled, supported by sensible structures (such as diaries or visual charts, labelled storage containers) and reinforced by realistic routines (pack away one toy/task before commencing another).

Organisation is important to develop a structured and consistent approach to tasks at all times, but is even more important for those with poor planning and sequencing, language challenges, attention difficulties and learning difficulties.

Organisation skills include:

If a child is having difficulties with organisation you may notice:

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