Block Therapy Explained

Functional capacity assessments determine the Individual's functional needs, support funding applications and guide intervention.

Functional Capacity Assessments develop a clear picture of the individual’s support needs across multiple environments, equipment recommendations and
required capacity building therapy.

A Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA) is a thorough assessment of an individuals abilities as well as needs across all daily aspects of life. In the case of a child or young adult, this might include accessing skills across home, education, recreational settings (eg playground, swimming lesson setting, church) and possibly work environments in young adults.

In completing a very detailed assessment across multiple environments, the child or young adult’s individual requirements of support, recommended equipment and/or ‘capacity building’ intervention is documented to meet the reason for undertaking the assessment. 

This documentation serves as the most useful foundation for an NDIS funding discussion.

Ongoing community visits are also available following the assessment to implement the recommendations including carer upskilling. 

Functional Capacity Assessments vary in duration and focus depends upon the individual child/young adults age, the environments they regularly engage with, their diagnosis and the degree to which informal supports are already in place. A Functional Capacity Assessment typical takes anywhere from 6 – 20+ hours depending on the complexity of the individuals needs.

If your child or young adult has been recommended to undergo a functional capacity assessment, call us to have from a free 15 mins chat to understand what this might mean for your child/young adult, what is involved and an understanding of the costs. Our experienced team can answer these questions, giving you peace of mind and a clear plan of action from worried to wonderful.

Contact us to understand what is involved in a Functional Capacity Assessment