Developmental Screening

One in six children begins school with below-average development.

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As educators, we know the above to be true. We also know that children who are below average in their developmental profile typically experience simultaneous academic delays, as well as social and independence challenges. It stands to reason then that knowing, and where necessary enhancing, your students developmental skills can help you set both the students and yourself up for success. Furthermore, we know that successfully supporting individuals in need in a classroom or group setting, in turn supports all learners in the room.

The Kid Sense In-Education Developmental Screening Assessment Service allows our experience therapists to screen your chosen cohort for aged based skills in a range of learning and developmental areas. Of course these specific skills and expectations will vary according to the age group, but consolidating the developmental foundation skills remains a fundamental aspect to academic and life learning success.

Knowledge + Recommendations = Developmental and Academic Success

Just some of the skills that are typically assessed in a developmental screening assessment include:

Following developmental screening of your chosen cohort, a wide range of ongoing supports can be tailor-made to meet your individual students, your classrooms or your educators specific needs.

Developmental screenings can form just one part of our broader In-Education Service that provides educator focused support.

For more information on how to get a flexible and consistent in-setting support from a dedicated Kid Sense speech and 
occupational therapist visit In-Education Service

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