Educator Focused Support

Kid Sense therapists are the Educators Developmental Back up.

Every educator knows too well that more than ever there are high numbers of students with additional needs in classrooms– regardless of whether they are diagnosed or not.

NDIS funding has been beneficial for some, but only where the information and strategies is making its way to the educating team around the child. Be aware that the parents have control over whether the information is flows to the educators or not.

As a result, educators are increasingly left managing these often time and resource hungry students without sufficient time, resources and in many cases knowledge. Educator understanding and ‘know how’ is crucial to set both the child, their peers and themselves up for success in the classroom environment.

No matter what their classroom environment, educators need support themselves so they in turn are well placed to support their students and coordinate the teaching team around additional needs students

Educator knowledge, comfort and ‘know how’ sets the classroom (and its students) up for success.

With over 20 years experience supporting educators, the Kid Sense team are more determined than ever to get to the root of the educators daily challenges in supporting students with additional needs. From our experience, the most value-ad benefit lies supporting the educators through group education (workshops) and in school allied speech and occupational therapy services that it designed to meet the educators needs, rather than just the individual student’s needs. 

Choose the developmental back up you need

Presentations and Workshops

Education is the key to the educators success from which their students success is determined.

Kid Sense provides a range of presentations and interactive workshops which are educational setting specific for child care, preschool and school.

These value-ad presentations and workshops are delivered by our passionate senior (experienced) staff at your facility, and can be tailored to the group as requested.

In-Education Educator focused service

Does your education team need on site Speech and Occupational therapy support for educators, not just students?

Our In Education Service provides educational settings with access to; therapy support they need; in the amount that they want; and the timing of when they want it. Most importantly, it is educator focused rather than individual child focused, and places the control over what the therapist can do when site ranging from: group professional development presentations and interactive workshops, classroom management strategies around specific children (or groups of), child specific hands-on treatment and management strategy development, attending parent/teacher meetings of children with additional needs, curriculum advice for ‘out of the box’ students and more.

Developmental Screenings

Knowing your students developmental abilities can support curriculum planning and funding applications.

Use experience allied health therapist to screen your chosen cohort for age based skills In a range of learning and developmental areas.

Use this information to adjust curriculum planning, determine individualised learning programs/One Plan and all support funding applications.

Call Kid Sense to speak with an experienced therapist about our Educator focused supports.